Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dream Ride 2012 is around the corner!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

 This is a well-organized, rural ride for the whole family.
Choose among routes of 10, 15, 30, 62, and 100 miles!
Cycle to benefit the work and mission of The Nazareth Project.

For registration information email Jason Allgire, our Events Coordinator

To offer your financial support to our riders, make checks payable to: Nazareth Project Inc.

Memo: Dream Ride

and mail to: Nazareth Project Inc / 237 N Prince St / Lancaster, PA  17603

If you are sponsoring a particular rider, please include their name and that rider will be notified that you have sponsored them.


Thank you Dream Ride Projects 2011cyclists and to all the volunteers who planned and organized this wonderful event! Congratulations on a successful 16th annual Dream Ride Lancaster.

Nazareth Project is grateful to be a part of it! 

 Total amount raised for Nazareth Project: $3,228.


George Allen- 30 miles

Ike Beinikis- 20 miles

David Hiebert (board member) - 20 miles

Tyler Hoetzle- 20 miles

Nelson Lehman, MD (board member)- over 62.5 miles

Bob Martin, MD (chair) - 20 miles

Clarence Rutt, MD- 20 miles
Nelson Lehman, MD, member of Nazareth Project's Board of Directors, rode over 100K for NPI on Saturday. He said the heat wasn't too bad and there was a breeze. Due to plans to attend a wedding Saturday afternoon, Lehman had known ahead of time that the 100 mile course was not an option that day. However, given Saturday's afternoon highs of 98 degrees, he commented, "Today I probably wouldn't have gone for the 100."
This well-organized, multi-charity event is a fun opportunity for participants to enjoy the company of other cyclists.
Many riders rose early on Saturday to get a jump on the heat. Ike Beinikis of Upper Darby left home well before sunrise to set out from starting line in Marietta before 7:00am.

Tyler Hoetzle, Clarence Rutt MD, and Robert Martin MD, NPI Board Chair

Dream Ride veteran George Allen introduced his reclining trike this year, taking on the 30 mile tour.